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#1 Hello, World!

I should have started Red Quill Editorial LLC over a decade ago! I have always loved the written word. I thought for a time that I would write and publish fiction novels. I can’t tell you how many novels I have started throughout the years, but never saw to completion – some of them I still believe could have made it big! I’m sure it was fear of failure that held me back (who here is familiar with that horrible feeling?). So the theory was, if I never finished a novel, I would never fail to get it published.

As much as I enjoy writing, I think my true passion has always been in editing. When I first realized that, the internet was not as big as it is today — I would have had to move to a large city and apply at magazine and publishing companies when I much prefer the peaceful countryside. Of course, I suppose I could have applied at the local newspaper and stayed put, but what I really wanted besides just to be an editor, was to work from home and make my own schedule. I’ve never had any issues managing my priorities and meeting deadlines so I wasn’t concerned about that. 

Now that the internet has exploded and actually become the main source of news, shopping, and even socializing, I revisited my dream of editing. Now I can use the internet to my advantage and start my own freelance business, so here I am! I chose the name Red Quill Editorial LLC because red ink is commonly used for corrections. The “quill” part of the name was just my fun way of being rustic.

While I have confidence in my editing skills, the “business owner” aspect of all of this seemed very daunting to me. Fortunately I am a researcher by nature, and between that and the love and support of my husband as my number-one advisor, I managed to make it here. I jokingly told him the other day that he is my unpaid marketing advisor and proofreader (because even editors need editors!). 

I advise any of you who have a dream and so far have been too afraid to go for it, do it now! Take that leap! Yes, it is terrifying. But you will never achieve your dream if you sit idle on the sidelines. I waited fifteen years to try to achieve my dream, but I finally did it and my main thought is, “Why did I wait so long?” 

Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. 

–Gordon B. Hinckley

We have to ask ourselves every day what it’s going to take to make that happen. Reach for your dreams and do what you love. Start enjoying life TODAY!

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